bedraELAS - Wire solutions for a wide range of applications

Expertise in materials, molds, and surface coatings

The term ELAS stands for the product ranges Electronic wire, Anchor wire, Resistance wire and Special wire. The special wire portfolio includes optical wires, fine wires for packaging, jewelry wires, spring and weaving wires, and wires for medical technology. Thus, the bedraELAS division combines a very extensive product portfolio with innovative wire solutions for different fields of application. 

As a highly specialized supplier to the processing industry, we cover all processes involved in manufacturing such diverse wire solutions. From melting high-quality metals to surface finishing. Our own foundries produce more than 100 alloy variants such as tin bronze, brass, nickel silver and many other special alloys from the element copper. With this variety of alloy, we can cover a wide range of requirements on electrical and mechanical properties. In combination with our well-known flexibility, we can produce small lots as well as large and medium lots. 

With our complete quality management, we ensure that our products meet the highest demands at all times in our production process. Stable and transparent processes form the basis for our consistently high product quality. Our extensive product portfolio reflects the high demands of e.g. the automotive, aviation, telecommunications, information technology, industrial technology, and entertainment industries.

Discover our ELAS product portfolio now:

Please contact us

Michael Urbas

Michael Urbas

Sales Director ELAS Europe
bedra Germany

Berkenhoff GmbH (headquarters)

  • Kinzenbach plant
  • Berkenhoffstrasse 14
  • 35452 Heuchelheim
  • Germany

Berkenhoff GmbH

  • Merkenbach plant
  • Rehmühle 1
  • 35745 Herborn
  • Germany

bedra Vietnam Alloy Material Co., Ltd

  • Lot CN-06, Hoa Phu Industrial Park,
    Mai Dinh Commune,
    Hiep Hoa District, Bac Giang Province,

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