Smart services for professionals

Actively shaping the future with the power of innovation

Through strong brands, companies make a promise to customers, suppliers and employees. "Engineered to outperform" encapsulates the aspiration we have set for our company. Four basic factors make bedra a brand that can assert itself confidently amidst tough competition:

  • Comprehensive expertise
    based on more than 130 years of company history.
  • Innovative engineering
    that transforms revolutionary ideas into marketable products.
  • Strong products
    that meet even the highest demands.
  • Smart services
    that make everyday life easier for customers and increase their performance.

Thanks to our good performance in each of these areas, we’ve been able to identify true unique selling points that lead to best-in-class performance. Unique expertise. Innovative engineering. Market-leading products. And groundbreaking services. All of this has ensured that the bedra brand has matured into an established producer on world markets. We constantly strive to consolidate and further develop this position. With passion and meticulousness.

Our brand purpose - enabling progress

bedra considers itself responsible for enabling customers across industries to develop innovative solutions for society through its services and products. Thanks to bedra's high-tech product solutions, innovations are always enabled. This results from continuous development and research by bedra specialists around the world and leads to new or improved products. bedra's intelligent wire solutions are a central component of countless everyday products that make people's lives and work easier.
bedra –  with its production sites in Germany and Vietnam, as well as subsidiaries in the USA, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and China (Mainland) – accepts its responsibility to be the engine of progress.

bedra brandbook as flip catalog

You will find all information about our brand in our bedra brandbook. We provide you with insights about our company history, introduce our brand in detail, and show you the benefits that a strong brand offers to customers and employees as well.
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Our vision

Strength through differentiation

Our strong brand sets us apart from the competition and creates trust.

Our strong brand is a key factor enabling us to develop important unique selling points in the competitive arena. The brand attracts attention and creates a relationship between customers, suppliers, and employees characterized by respect and trust. Joint successes weld us together. Clearly communicated product brands and targeted services make for a differentiated presence on world markets. This general understanding provides a solid foundation for our strength. It contributes significantly to our ability to offer a range of professional services, from solving complex applications to supplying complete product groups.

Independence through profitability

Our customer-oriented engineering, lean processes, high-quality products, and motivated employees make up our brand and strengthen our independence.

Our customer-oriented engineering, lean processes, high-quality products and motivated employees are elementary cornerstones of our company. They play a key role in strengthening our independence. On the basis of lean and effective processes, we realize products and services for the highest demands. This, together with our famously low complaint rate, enables us to achieve a high level of profitability, which in turn is of key importance for our independence. Against the background of a high equity ratio, we are also able to respond agilely and flexibly to market events. Sustainable growth and the resulting security form resilient guard rails for intelligent performance.


Success through performance

Our know-how and our specialization create win-win situations.

Our know-how, which has grown over decades, coupled with our high degree of specialization ensure classic win-win situations. One of our overriding goals is to implement efficiency-enhancing solutions for our customers. Against this background, the high quality of our products is fundamentally non-negotiable. On the contrary, product quality is our main focus. Our employees meet challenges with a mix of curiosity, openness and goal-oriented action. We have deeply internalized our customers' desire for success. We regard it as an elementary part of our task. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to us that our customers achieve their goals. It is both an incentive and an obligation for us. To this end, we provide our customers with all available options. In our efforts to achieve sustainable success, we demonstrate our full innovative spirit and willingness to leave well-trodden paths in order to further develop processes.

Our mission

Increase the efficiency of our customers.

All our actions are driven by an overriding mission: The aim is to increase the efficiency of our customers. At a high level and in safe processes. That’s why we’re committed to continuously improving our services. Defined processes and routines provide us with safe maneuvering room to continuously improve our performance. The reference point in this endeavor is customer benefit. All our actions and measures are subordinate to this. We measure results against a basic yardstick: the added value for our clients. Our understanding of customer proximity and service orientation has enabled us to become a strong player on the market and one that is seen as innovative and reliable.

Our values

Our brand core:


Proactively shaping the future through the power of innovation.

Everything that we do is supported by this secure foundation. Solid values keep us steady. They give our brand independence and character. We regard safety as the core of our brand. With profound vision, intelligent services, and sustainable growth, we create the right conditions. On this basis, we make decisions that benefit customers, suppliers, and employees every day. At the same time, they form the foundation for intelligent services.

Our core value:


Achieving sustainable goals through smart service.

We set clear goals for ourselves. And we pursue our goals systematically. We are curious and we nurture the ambition to develop solutions at the highest level. Our meticulously controlled processes allow us to demonstrate our flexibility and our ability to create solutions. At the same time, they form secure guard rails that ensure that our innovations follow clear plans. As a core value, we harness our ambition to launch sustainable growth.

Our benchmark:


Realizing opportunities and potential through personal and company development.

Our attitude is characterized by openness. New things arouse our interest. Targeted innovations are a real matter of concern for us. This is one reason why our company-wide and well-known culture of innovation is so important to our continuous further development. Everyone involved benefits from this open culture. First and foremost our customers, because: We only call innovations progress when our customers benefit from them. Directly and to the maximum.

Our trend value:


Mastering challenges confidently through a stable community.

Experience shows: Intelligent services are the basis for sustainable growth. We attach great importance to products and services that leave an impression on customers. We confidently present our sophisticated services on the market. In this way, we act independently and we proactively shape the future.

Berkenhoff GmbH (headquarters)

  • Kinzenbach plant
  • Berkenhoffstrasse 14
  • 35452 Heuchelheim
  • Germany

Berkenhoff GmbH

  • Merkenbach plant
  • Rehmühle 1
  • 35745 Herborn
  • Germany

bedra Vietnam Alloy Material Co., Ltd

  • Lot CN-06, Hoa Phu Industrial Park,
    Mai Dinh Commune,
    Hiep Hoa District, Bac Giang Province,


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