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Discover our extended FAQ

Now also everything you need to know about brazing & welding

We are delighted to announce that we have broadened our FAQ section to provide you with even more support for brazing and welding.

The expansion of our FAQ, which previously only included the field of electrical discharge machining (EDM), is a direct response to your positive feedback. We have selected the added questions carefully and created extensive answers to provide you with a comprehensive knowledge base. Whether you are a skilled professional or a newcomer to the world of welding and brazing, our expanded FAQ section will help you answer your questions and solve problems.

Would you like to know what the common error patterns are for welding? Are you looking for a suitable make-up for your requirements and system configuration? Do you need a wire recommendation for your application? Or are you curious about the best way to store a used spool?

Then our bedra FAQ is the right place for you! Our extensive FAQ provides answers to around 70 questions on the subject of brazing & welding as well as over 40 answers to questions on the field of electrical discharge machining (EDM).

Our goal is not only to offer you high-quality products, but also to support you in your projects with our long-standing knowledge. Visit our extended FAQ section today and immerse yourself in the world of welding and brazing. If the answers provided here are not enough for you, you can contact us at any time. Simply use our contact form or our contact person overview.

Try our bedra EDM FAQ now!


Please contact me and my team

Giuseppe Primerano

Giuseppe Primerano

Head of Marketing & Customer Service
bedra Germany

Berkenhoff GmbH (headquarters)

  • Kinzenbach plant
  • Berkenhoffstrasse 14
  • 35452 Heuchelheim
  • Germany

Berkenhoff GmbH

  • Merkenbach plant
  • Rehmühle 1
  • 35745 Herborn
  • Germany

bedra Vietnam Alloy Material Co., Ltd

  • Lot CN-06, Hoa Phu Industrial Park,
    Mai Dinh Commune,
    Hiep Hoa District, Bac Giang Province,

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